Bulloch County Industrial Mixed-Use Concept Study Meredith Ray

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Our goal for this project was to help create a vision for what a mixed-use community development heavily anchored by logistics and warehousing looks like in the twenty-first century. A walkable development requires not only people and their housing but also amenities and services nearby to bolster interactions and healthy living. By amenitizing natural environments and creating paths and trails for recreational and daily use, Bulloch County Concept Study seeks to integrate two very opposing programmatic functions into one environment.

Major design goals:

  • Establish the highest and best use for development certainty
  • Create a mixed-use destination that highlights the growing industrial and logistics industries of SE Georgia
  • Achieve the Phasing Strategy ideal for optimal development between all uses
  • Provide ample housing choices suitable for current and future residents of Bulloch County
  • Deploy Sustainable Growth and a Balanced Economic Base in the Industrial Sector for the Continual Growth of Bulloch County

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