Wallace Creek Regimental Complex, Camp LejeuneCamp Lejeune, NC The sustainment complex is masterplanned for optimum circulation, environmental control, and security. This complex creates extensive impervious ground coverage and site planning is influenced by the large shallow detention facilities that are required in the high watertable environment of Camp Lejeune. The Motor ‘T’ complex consists of security fence, tactical equipment hardstand, and the Mechanical/Electrical Communications Building based on the Marine Corps prototype, containment areas for tankers, truck wash, and PIC stations are designed to control accidental spills. The Armory is cast-in-place concrete construction with vault doors and issue ports. Roof overhangs provide weather shelter for weapons cleaning stations, discharge barrels, and queuing Marines. The Supply Warehouse includes raised and on-grade truck docks, high-bay storage racks, office space, fork lift charging stations and eyewashes. Sustainment Complex Surrounded by Camp Lejeune Wetlands