LS3P has provided services over the last 15 years for multiple renovation projects including a 5,000 SF outpatient clinic; a 4,000 SF emergency room renovation; and a 3,500 SF radiology renovation, including cat scan, new radio/fluoroscopic rooms and equipment, and a satellite medical office building renovation and upfit in Jasper County.
LS3P also conducted a feasibility study including strategic planning, master planning, space programming, conceptual planning, and cost estimating for a 100,000 SF 32-bed, replacement hospital centered around a medical mall/atrium concept. This feasibility study led to the programming, planning, design and construction of the just recently completed 85,000 SF replacement hospital. The new hospital was master planned to be built behind the existing hospital in order to allow the phased construction, relocation/move-in and demolition of the old hospital. The demolition of the old hospital made room for the new grand entry drive to the entire medical campus and future medical office building.