George TempleAIA, LEED AP
President | Chief Operations Officer | Principal
George Temple serves as LS3P’s President and Chief Operations Officer. With a unique background in architecture and technology as well as military service, George brings significant expertise in innovative problem-solving to the firm’s eight offices and over 340 employees. With the mantra “Business supports Practice,” George oversees LS3P’s operations and finance, leading a multidisciplinary team of CPAs and accountants, technology professionals, Building Information Modeling (BIM) administrators, human resource professionals, an in-house counsel, and eight Operations and Finance Managers. He also serves on LS3P’s Board of Directors as part of the Executive Committee.
An honors graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, George served as a regular officer and architect in the Air Force for seven years after graduation. Completing programs at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and the Defense Intelligence College, George’s integrated design-build process for physical and electronic security was recognized as a best practices program by the Air Force Inspector General. In his current role, George is inspired by technology research, discovery, design, and application of creative solutions to improve efficiency and service delivery. He is also actively engaged in community and professional organizations including Goodwill Industries and the AIA.
AIA Member; AIA Large Firm Roundtable CIO/COO Representative and Executive Committee Member; AEC IT Leaders Organization Member; Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina; Board Member and Chairman; LS3P Principal (2001-Present)